2015 52 Week Project // Week 5: Keeping It Simple (With Before & After + BTS)

Hey everyone, and welcome to week 5 of my 52 week project! I'm getting excited about my gallery starting to fill up, it's really cool to see a body of work start to grow. It's also interesting to see how my editing style has changed so much just since graduating the photo program 8 months ago. (Wow, 8 months?!)

Anyways. For week 5, I ran into some scheduling issues that forced me to push my original plan for the week back to next week. I picked up some extra hours at work, I've been getting busy with some planning for exciting things coming in the future, involving my business (look out for some cool announcements soon!), and life just happened this past week. But hey, when have I ever turned down a challenge? This project has forced me to make my photography a priority, so normally, I would just reschedule and not worry about it, but that is not the case here. No excuses! You just gotta make it happen.

So that's what I did this week. I'm lucky enough to have an arsenal of friends just a text away who I can have model for me whenever I need them to. In a way, this project has created as many cool memories with good friends as it has photos. Additionally, it's helped me make connections with new people and expand my horizons a bit.

Okay, okay, I keep getting off track. Back to the good stuff! 

Rachel met up with me at my place, we did her hair and makeup quick like, and we were off to Bowl and Pitcher. Neither of us had been there before, and I'd always been looking for an excuse to go! If you've been there in the summer time, you MUST go this time of year as well. It's cold, but when it's foggy, it's so beautiful. If I'd come more prepared, I would have stayed longer and hiked around. We stayed for less than an hour, but we snagged a couple cool shots on the bridge and the surrounding areas. 

I always assume on shorter shoots like this, that I'm not going to come out with good images, but, just like every other time, I surprised myself and really liked what I got! It's awesome to be comfortable enough to just jump right into shooting good images without wasting your time fumbling around and trying to figure out good poses or compositions. I already had some ideas in mind before coming here, which helped as well. 

Here's my favorites from the day! I love the symmetry of this bridge, and even though everyone and their mother has shot or had photos of them taken here, I'm still glad I got to do it. Plus, I bought a yearly discover pass, so helloooooooooo adventuring! 

Above is a gallery of BTS shots, taken on my iPhone. Thanks to Whitney for grabbing some of them for me!

You know the drill, go hit that like button on my Facebook page to see these images and blog posts first!

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