2015 52 Week Project // Week 6: There's A First For Everything (With Before & After + BTS)

Well, it's official, I can now check "do a shoot with a horse" off my list! Additionally, this was my first time doing a shoot with an animal! Definitely a challenge, but super fun, and something I'd like to do some more of. 

My inspiration for this week came from the usual place: Pinterest. However, I've been seeing these kinds of images since I started doing photography and I've always wanted to shoot something like this. Everything sort of fell in to place with this one: I wanted to shoot with Jessie, and she had a horse, so choosing her to model for this one was an easy decision! 

Once again, the sky laughed at me as my plans for the weather did not go as I'd hoped. When I want it to rain, it's sunny. When I want it to be sunny, it's overcast. Just this morning, I went to shoot the sunrise, and it was- SHOCKINGLY- (sarcasm) a foggy mess. I had looked at the weather and saw it was supposed to be sunny for this shoot, which not only had me excited to get some good light, but I've been really missing the sunshine lately! We did get a few little bursts of sunshine, but not the glowing golden hour light I was hoping for. Spring, where are you?

We ended up having a really good time on this shoot. It was challenging to try posing someone on or with a horse, while trying to avoid the shots looking like senior photos. I wanted these shots to have more of a fashion editorial feel, and I think we achieved that! I also love getting to shoot with new people that haven't modeled for me before; this project has given me the excuse to branch out and mix up my portfolio with new faces. 

We knocked out a ton of good shots this week. Thanks to Jessie for being my model, you did such an awesome job!

Thanks to Whitney for being my designated behind the scenes picture taker slash shoe holder slash super helpful assistant. :)

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