A Weekend Trip To Seattle

First off, I just want to let you all know that I'm writing this and putting it together in the crazy thick of wedding season. I realized that this trip was almost a month ago now and I've barely posted any photos from all the cool stuff we saw and did! Life is so frickin' crazy currently, so just bare with me, everyone. I'm getting through it all, slowly but surely!

In mid June, I flew to Seattle for the weekend with a couple goals: hang out with my best friends, and check some hikes off my 2017 list. The weekend was a perfect mix of relaxing and adventuring which is just what I needed before my summer became the insane go-go-go lifestyle that results from being a wedding photographer!

Abby and I had breakfast and ginger beer on Capitol Hill (okay, hello, it is SO CUTE there and I would love to live there at some point in my life!) on the first day I was there. We also took a few laps around the Volunteer Park Conservatory, which was total and complete plant heaven, and one of my favorite things. Then we wandered around Ikea (it was my first time going), gawking at all the cool things we wished we could purchase for our apartments. Later that day, Colton and I drove out to Snoqualmie Pass in search of cool forest service roads, and found a couple of scenic spots! (And I discovered another hiking trail to add to my list. I never ends, I swear.)

Day 2 consisted of an all day excursion to Colchuck Lake. Let me tell you, this hike KICKED. MY. ASS. Like, totally wrecked me. I went into it thinking it was probably at the harder end of my skill level, and boy, was that and understatement. We sure don't have that kind of elevation gain over here in Eastern WA! As grueling and exhausting and challenging as it was, it was an incredible experience and a view I am so glad that I got to see with my own eyes. I will for sure be back next year, and maybe I'll even try to attack the Enchantments!

Day 3 was supposed to be hiking day round two, but we were so dead from Colchuck that Abby and I ended up staying on the couch until like 2 PM binge watching the Kardashians 😜 We eventually drug ourselves out of the house and took Blu to the dog park. We came back, made dinner, and then headed to Sea-Tac for my return flight home. On my flight back, I sat next to the most wonderful 73 year old lady named Beverly who had a crazy and amazing life story, and I feel so glad to have met her and chatted for an hour. Our conversation was paired with a perfect sunset view of Mt. Rainier, which was truly the perfect ending to my weekend. 

The more of Washington I see, the more I continue to believe, with certainty, that I truly live in the best and most beautiful state. We are SO spoiled here by perfect views everywhere. 

Here's a small mix of iPhone and DSLR photos from my weekend trip, enjoy!

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