Maggie Tate || Windermere Real Estate

It’s kind of funny how life evolves; when we were in high school I wouldn't have guessed that 6 years down the road I’d be taking business headshots for one of my best friends, who’s now getting into real estate. But that’s been one of the most fun parts of my career: getting to document people’s big life markers! So when Maggie came to me and needed headshots, I was eager to make it happen. We timed it perfectly with the fall colors, and came out with some really nice, natural looking portraits! Of course I couldn’t just keep it all "smile and look at the camera!” so I had to throw in a couple fun ones as well. It was definitely a change for me to shoot this style of portrait but it was refreshing, and I enjoyed getting to create this content for Maggie to use to market her new career path! They grow up so fast 😉

If you’re looking to buy or sell, or have any questions about the home buying process, please get a hold of Maggie! She’s super friendly and very knowledgeable. She just bought her first house herself, so she’s very familiar with the home buying process and will be able to walk you through every step of the way as well! I’ve left a link to contact her below.

I hope you enjoy this little selection of my faves from her session!

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