Danielle + James || Quail Run Ranch
It’s been a hot minute since I blogged! I’m coming at you guys from my office at home, working on battling a cold and still wading through those wedding edits. But, we’re getting close! It’s been a crazy couple of months traveling, working, and adjusting to self employment life. I’ve learned a lot and a I definitely still have so much to figure out! But it’s been great so far, and I wanted to say a big thank you to anyone who’s congratulated me or wished me well towards my future in running my own business. It means the world to me that so many of you believe in my efforts, even when I have a hard time believing in them.
Anyways! This blog post isn’t about me, it’s about Danielle and James’ beautiful wedding day at Quail Run Ranch! This venue is tucked away about an hour north of Spokane in Newport, WA and it’s such a cute little hidden gem. The owners are absolutely wonderful, and upon arrival, their two pups will greet you with all of their excitement and energy. Starting off a wedding day with puppy cuddles was such a highlight for me!
Danielle and James had been dating for about 8 years prior to the wedding! Fun fact: we went to the same high school, so I’ve seen their relationship, though from a distance, from the very beginning! (Old Riverside classmates, if you’re reading this and your engaged, HELLO, let’s reunite and hang out on your wedding day!) I totally love getting to work with old high school classmates and seeing how their relationship has evolved over the years, and Danielle and James were no exception. Their goofy demeanor and lightheartedness towards the wedding day was exactly what I'd imagined they’d be like and everything I love about weddings. The best wedding days are the ones where the couple is truly relaxed and happy, and just enjoying everything as it comes with no stress or anxiety.
I’ve also been lucky enough to experience some of the most unique details at weddings this summer, and one of the cool details about Danielle + James’ day is that Danielle brought her horse, Sundance to her wedding! She got to check in with him throughout the day and take some photos with him during their bridal portraits and I think it was such a special thing for her to have him there, and to get to experience that big life milestone with him present. It was awesome!
Basically, to sum up Danielle + James’ wedding, the whole day was spent with almost everyone stuck in permanent grins and laughter throughout. Danielle was one of the most laughter filled brides I’ve ever worked with and it made my job not only easy, but so much fun! James was cracking the silliest jokes and Danielle was actually laughing at all of them and I think that part of their dynamic was one of my favorite parts of working with them!
So, here’s a collection of my faves from their big day! I hope you all enjoy them, and I hope they remind you to laugh and enjoy the big (and little) moments in your life too. Dang, this job is SO rewarding.
Second Shooter: Kaitlyn Murillo