Ben + Rauha || Engaged
Right off the bat, I just have to say that I knew this was going to be a good one when Ben and Rauha wanted to drive an hour out of town to shoot their session at sunrise. (Future couples: sunrise or sunset are the best times for your session!) There's something truly special about getting up long before the rest of the world and seeing the sun break through the clouds and over the horizon. Maybe that's just the outdoorsy part of me that loves that, but I don't think anyone can deny how awesome it is to watch a sunrise.
Ben and Rauha's engagement session was a blast! We ran around grassy fields, troughed through what was basically a wildflower filled swamp, sat at the foot of a waterfall, and drank coffee on a cliff overlooking Hog Lake. The love these two have for each other is incredibly obvious and you could tell that they're two people that are always having fun, no matter what they're doing.
Here's the photos from one of my favorite sessions to date! I can't wait to shoot their wedding in September; congrats Ben and Rauha!