Megan || Escaping Winter

Well guys, February was hard. At the beginning of the month, my camera malfunctioned and broke mid shoot, and that set the month off to be pretty crummy. I knew it would be hard to not have a camera for a little bit, but I didn't realize just HOW hard that could be. Having no way to get out any of my creative ideas, or to book anything with clients was so tough! It really did feel like a part of myself went missing. Additionally, the weather just sucked all month, and nothing gets me down like a long streak of dreary, cold, snowy days. 

It's a dang good thing that March came around and my camera came back from the doctors fully functional! I wasted no time getting out and getting someone in my camera, and what better way to get out of a seasonal funk than to spend some time in a warm, colorful greenhouse? I think it's going to be a tradition that every time Megan gets a new hair color, we plan a shoot around it. For around an hour, we frolicked through the greenhouse, admiring all the plants and shooting some really fun portraits!

Here's what we created. Let me know what you think in the comments!

(Hair & makeup by the always amazing Alex Stevens. Want to book with her? Shoot her a message at Alex Stevens At TMP Salon!)

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