The best trip of my life (so far). || Glacier National Park
So first of all,
Hi, my name is Jessica, and I have zero time for anything and also I'm a slacker.
I was in Glacier a month ago, and I'm just now getting these photos up. Literally 2 days after getting back, I shot a wedding, worked a week, shot another wedding, worked another week, then it was my birthday, then another work week went by, and now here we are. I wanted so badly to come home and edit these immediately, but, such is life. Adulting is hard. Sleep is far and few between. Sanity is minimal. But, good news, Glacier was incredible.
I would love nothing more than to tell you all the wonderful stories of our 4 day trip, but, GUESS WHAT? I vlogged it! Yes, I know, I am SO 2016. So, hopefully that will be up in the next week or so, and if you're interested in seeing all of our sleep deprived antics and cool views set to weird hipster music, you will definitely want to be on the lookout for that.
Here's the basic outline of Glacier:
-The weather has serious whiplash. Don't like it? Wait 10 minutes for it to change.
-Sunrise actually happens 30 minutes later than it says it does because if has to come up over the peaks first. Could have slept 30 more minutes that day. Boo.
-The parking lots fill really fast during summer and yes, you will park on the side of the road and hike into stuff frequently.
-Wildlife is abundant, and it actually is so cool. People stop in the road and park at places waiting to see bears.
-You will see bears. Take bear spray. Necessary.
-Don't use the pit toilets. Never go near the pit toilets.
-Going To The Sun Road is a borderline spiritual experience. The views are out of this world.
-You will only do half the hikes you plan for, realistically you need to have a full week there to really see it all.
-Pringles are $3 a can and everything is twice as expensive. The frat boy in the camp store will complain to you that beer is, in fact, $30 a box.
-Yes, it is completely worth seeing in person, even if you aren't an outdoorsy person, and everyone needs to go at least once in their life. I swear, you will come back a better person for it.
Happy scrolling, everyone! Let me know what you think in the comments, and you better believe you'll be seeing more from this epic place next summer!