Featured Photographer: Ashley Tomlinson

So if you've ever met Ashley, you probably have thought up many many words to describe her. However, words that you did not choose to describe her most likely included "boring", "average", or "normal." Ashley is far from these things. She is goofy, quirky, loud, opinionated, and very sure of who she is. She owns her personality and she rocks it!

Recently she requested I do a blog post about her, after reminiscing over a quick video I put together of her laughing back in the Fall. Ashley's laugh is so unique and is one of those that makes everyone else in the room laugh because of it. Here is that video:

See what I mean? The girl 1000% owns it.

A bit about Ashley, if you don't know her:

She is an editorial photographer, all though I see her do a little bit of everything. She loves to create imagery about body image and the kinds of things that girls in our generation deal with in regards to their own body image. She is passionate about every image she creates, from start to finish. I've watched her try and conceptualize an image, change it a billion different times, argue with anyone and everyone about her ideas behind it, defend herself like it's the end of her career, and then finally settle on a way to approach it, and sometimes she just totally knocks it out of the park. Ashley is the example of a struggling artist; she goes through all the trials to make it to the end product. She puts all of herself into her work and then some. This is neither good nor bad; but it is what it is for her, and I think that is one of the things that makes her unique as a photographer.

She is absolutely (and sometimes inappropriately) hilarious, says what's on her mind at all times, and is brutally honest. She puts herself out there for the world, and doesn't give a damn as to how they receive it. 

I've seen Ashley with every hair color: blonde, red, brunette; you name it. She's not one to stay static in life; she's constantly changing and molding into someone a little bit different every day. That's something that I wish I could do in my own life, after all, we're young, why would we waste our youth on constantly trying to stay the same?

Hanging out with Ashley makes me forget about every issue I'm dealing with at the moment. We sit there, photograph anything and everything in front of us, go on about random pointless things, and just act like total goons.

If you haven't gotten a change to hang out with her or really get to know her, I recommend that you do.

The other day when we were together filming some stuff for an assignment, we decided at the last minute to put this video together. This is a perfect example of how stupid and ridiculous we act around each other, but take it for what it is... because we're awesome. :) 

Ashley, I hope you enjoyed this blog post about you. 

I think I want to make some more "featured photographer" blog posts in the future, what do you guys think? Please comment and tell me your thoughts!

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