Courtney + Cody || Their 2nd Anniversary

Guys, I honestly could probably start every single blog post with some form of "I'm playing catch up on blogging!" or "I finally had time to sit down and blog this!", so I think it just goes without saying that I'm excited to finally share this whole session with you all! As a quick side note, if you don't follow me on Instagram, or aren't personally friends with me, you might not know that I finally made the decision and took the plunge to do this whole crazy photography thing full time. Like, quit my job and just fulling going for it, full time. Photography has always been my number one career goal and with things starting to get busier for me with weddings and other shoots, it felt like the right time to take a chance and see where it goes! So hopefully, no more excuses on delayed blogs. I actually love blogging and writing little excerpts about these shoots and weddings and I really enjoy sharing all the unique and fun details about each couple and person that I work with!

So anyways! If Courtney and Cody look familiar to you, that's probably because I shot their wedding two years ago, their 1st anniversary session 1 year ago, and now this summer I got to photograph their 2nd anniversary session. These two are some of my favorite clients ever; Courtney and I met in college for photography and the rest was history. Whenever I get to see her and shoot with her, it's like catching up with an old friend, and I seriously look forward to working with them each and every time. They've always been the biggest supporters of my business and I can't even tell you how grateful I am for that.

When Courtney messaged me and wanted to shoot up at Mt. Spokane, I was SUPER stoked about it. If you know anything about me, you know that Mt. Spokane is one of my favorite places, and is the place that made me fall in love with hiking and the mountains. I seriously love that she saw all of my photos from up there and knew that not only she wanted to shoot there, but also knew how excited I would be to shoot there too. Seriously guys, best clients!

So we drove up the mountain, stopped at all my favorite little photo spots as the sun set, and had a blast! Courtney is so full of life and laughter and Cody complements her perfectly. They're the classic example of opposites attract, but they totally balance each other and getting to witness that in person is so wonderful. What's even better is that I've gotten to watch them grow and evolve over the years together! Working with them means so much to me and it's a tradition that I look forward to every year. 

Here's their 2nd anniversary session in full! And, if you're a couple who's thinking about booking a shoot (or a wedding) with me, yes, I would also love to shoot any of your photos up here too! And if you have a wedding at the top of the mountain, I'll probably never get more excited about anything else but that. 

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