2015 52 Week Project // Week 14: The Throwback Week (With Before + After)

Alright folks, so this week is going to be a quick one. This is the week where I fell off the wagon a little bit; I've been all different kinds of sick this week, and therefore, haven't been able to do a new shoot. I was troubled as to how to go about this: do I just postpone the project a week? Do two shoots next week? I didn't want to postpone it because the goal is to finish it by the last week of 2015. Doing 2 shoots would have been hard with my work schedule and right now, honestly, I'm barely feeling inspired enough to do one, let alone two. So, I went with the option of re-editing an old image!

This photo of Abby is one that's been in my portfolio for the past year, at least. Some of you who know or have been following my work for a while will probably recognize it, except you may remember it looking a little bit different. This photo has always been in black and white! However, I wanted to take an old image that I loved, and try and see it from a different perspective, to see if it was possible to improve any of my old work. I think that re-editing this image in color brought it a different feel that I'm actually liking a little bit more. Don't get me wrong, I love the authenticity of black and white, and especially for a candid image like this, it works really well, but there's something about the richness of the greens and the warmth in the light that a color edit offers this photo. I'm super happy with how this came out!

So, since this is not a new shoot, I don't have any extra or behind the scenes images for you this week. I would like to erase the last week of my life, if at all possible, because I hate that I couldn't stay on track with my project and truly do 52 planned shoots in a year like I wanted to! I mean, I've been shooting other things outside of this project, so I'll actually have completed way more than 52 shoots by the end of the year, but still. I'm stubborn. So, hopefully I can make up for it next week by bringing you all something new and awesome! 

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